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The Psychotherapist Association for
Gender & Sexual Diversity
Photo: Intersectional Pride Flag - Gaylesta Banner

2014 Annual Meeting

  • April 20, 2014
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Alliance Health Project


  • (includes lunch)
  • Special price for members
Please join us for our 2014 annual meeting.  The Annual Membership Meeting is Gaylesta's most important gathering of the year. It is here that we discuss our financial and organizational status, talk with our committee leadership and elect our new Board. And there is more!

Alliance Health Project
1930 Market Street
San Francisco

Morning Business Portion, 10am - 1pm (members only)
Free CEU Training, 1pm - 3pm (open to all clinicians, please register separately)
Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients