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Gender & Sexual Diversity
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How to Get Things Moving Again

June 08, 2017 8:02 AM | Gaylesta Blog Moderator (Administrator)

Sometimes it is hard to feel the passion needed to "get things moving" in one's life. It can be hard to understand the signs of mild, or on-again, off-again depression. The symptoms are often subtle, but definable.  Do you know of someone who has had any of the following symptoms: Lower energy or lack of motivation? Sleeping too much - or too little? Feeling down on oneself - or having self-esteem issues? Poor concentration? An empty feeling? Everyone feels a bit blue now or then, but this is different.

Dysthymia is a mild, chronic form of depression that one might not even know one has, because it has come to be the norm. Also, one might feel motivated for a few days here and there - but not predominantly. Please feel free to contact me if you think you or someone you know might be experiencing a mild depression. There is so much that can be done.

Cheryl Deaner