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The Psychotherapist Association for
Gender & Sexual Diversity
Photo: Intersectional Pride Flag - Gaylesta Banner

Board Statement Against Leaked Memo from HHS Denying Transgender Identity

October 24, 2018 3:27 PM | Ryan Horvath

The Gaylesta board is troubled and vehemently opposed to the most recent memo leaked in which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may attempt to impose strict gender identification guidelines that may have a devastating effect on the visibility, care, treatment and equality of transgender/gender non-binary individuals.

Our transgender community has been under constant attack within this administration, of note, the ban on transgender people serving in our military. The divisive language, rhetoric and lies that are put out by this administration and from the President himself create a threatening environment leading to numerous mental health issues, fear, PTSD, transphobia and death. We have seen a record amount of violent transgender deaths in 2017 and this trend is not letting up this year.

This has been a time where most marginalized minorities are under attack and keeping up with the news can be overwhelming and triggering. For those that are overwhelmed, scared and immobilized, we ask that you do whatever you can to best take care of yourselves.

Gaylesta's board would like to support any members that want to push back against the attacks and advocate for the transgender community. We need the support and effort to fight for equality of our membership and the community at large. Whatever we can do to support our colleagues, friends and family is welcomed starting by voting on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. We join with many prominent organizations in denouncing this latest push by the administration. Several statements can be read through the links below.

American Psychological Association

National Center for Transgender Equality

Human Rights Campaign

Transgender Law Center

World Professional Association for Transgender Health